The Cornhills Texel sheep flock is run commercially at Cornhills farm, Northumberland, 800ft above sea level. We aim to produce big, hardy Texel Shearling rams for the commercial lamb producer. Our breeding programme has put great emphasis on growth rates, muscling, tight skins and length.
The 100 Texel ewes start lambing in mid march and are turned out to grass as soon as the weather allows. The Texel lambs are reared naturally, without any supplementary creep feed until weaning in late July/ early August. The lambs are then weighed and back-fat scanned by Signet sheep breeding services.
Texel ram lambs for sale as shearlings and ewe lambs for flock replacements are then selected and the rest are sold fat. Only then are the ram lambs introduced to supplementary feed. We use the majority of them on our commercial ewe flock.
After tupping time the tup hoggs are out-wintered on grass and trough fed until late April.

The Texel shearling rams for sale are bare clipped around the 1st June and are given trough feed from about 8 weeks before sale. A special Tup mix is used, but no cabbages or greens are fed. The tups are grazed outside throughout this time.
Texel rams are sold privately and at the local Ram Sales at Hexham mart in September and October.

The Cornhills Texel sheep flock is performance recorded by Signet and the 2006 lamb crop were awarded The Better Returns Programme Progressive Flock Award winner for the most improved Texel flock for that year.

A major influence on that success and our sales in recent years has been our 2005 purchase at Kelso Ram Sale. Tweed Kelso Choice. A ram that combined excellent performance figures with good looks. He has passed on his size, style and superb skin to his sons and daughters. In total 112 sons have averaged more than,£650 over six years (all by natural service).
At Kelso 2010 we bought Pirntation Powerhouse where he was champion at the pre-sale show for the Borders Texel Club. He has developed into a massive, easy fleashed ram and passes these traits on to his progeny.To date 56 sons have averaged‚ £820 (top‚£2000) including two Hexham Sale Champions and one reserve champion. Limited amounts of semen are for sale from this superb stud ram.

Hexham 2013 Champion

Hexham 2014 Champion
Photograph courtesy of Robert Smith Photography
Other sires used in 2014 include Langside Tonto a Strongbow son bought at Kelso 2013. First crop of lambs look very promising.
Scrogtonhead Uncle Wullie a bargin out of their 2014 sale topping Kelso pen and a Glenway shearling (as yet unnamed) an ET brother to the RHS Champion.
If you are interested in our hardy, naturally reared tups, contact Richard at